
Contemporary music

Craig De Wilde

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives By the end of the course, students should have a general knowledge of the major trends of twentieth-century composition, in particular, the ways in which these trends relate to one another in a broad sense; the opportunity to delve into specific areas of twentieth-century music in some depth, providing further insight into the styles, composers and works important to the specific area in question; and an introduction to the principles of modern musical notation (ie graphic notation).

Synopsis A survey of the primary musical styles and compositional trends of the twentieth century. Representative source works will be analysed and the major musical figures of the period will be discussed. Topics will include the transition from nineteenth-century romanticism, impressionism, expressionism, the atonal revolution, neo-classicism, the twelve-tone system, serialism (including integral serialism), constructivism (electronic music and extended techniques), indeterminancy, neo-romanticism, and minimalism. Contemporary Australian music will also be considered within this context.

Assessment Written (5000 words): 60% -Oral presentation: (20 minutes): 30% -Seminar participation: 10%

Prescribed texts

Morton R Twentieth century music Norton, 1991
Morton R Anthology of twentieth century music Norton, 1992

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