
Indigenous health

W Holmes and Peter Deutschmann

6 points -7-day block in second semester -McFarlane Burnett Centre for Medical Research

Synopsis This subject aims to provide students with an understanding of the historical, political, social and cultural context of Aboriginal health needs in Australia and to develop in students the skills necessary to determine health needs. The specific objectives of the subject are to enable students to describe the impact of European settlement on Aboriginal health and to analyse the current political, social and cultural context of indigenous people in Australia; demonstrate an understanding of the underlying causes of Aboriginal health problems in Australia; critically analyse past and present approaches to Aboriginal health care; examine the roles of both community-controlled and government health care delivery services in remote, rural and urban Aboriginal communities; describe the different health problems and needs in urban, rural and remote community settings; demonstrate an understanding of methodological and ethical issues in relation to the conduct of indigenous health research; and assist Aboriginal organisations/ communities to undertake health research and develop appropriate health interventions.

Assessment Group assignment (2500 words): 40% -Individual assignment (4000 words): 60%

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