
Primary health care in developing countries

Peter Deutschman and Tamara Aboagye-Kwarteng

6 points -Two full Saturdays, five 2-hour Thursday sessions -First semester -Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, Fairfield

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have acquired an understanding of the history, principles and practice of primary health care (PHC) in developing countries, as well as the key elements, developmental context and practical applications of project design, implementation and evaluation.

Synopsis This elective covers global health and demographic trends; primary health care and community development; determinants of public health policy; gender, development, and health; economics and health; role of international agencies in health development; health program design; health personnel management; health worker skills development; community health promotion and eduction; health program financing; introduction to health program evaluation; essential drug program management.

Assessment A formal health project design document of (5000 words):40% -Oral presentation: 20% -Literature review (4000 words): 40%

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