
Asian management

Max Coulthard

6 points -3 hours per week -Second semester -Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject, students should be able to: compare and contrast various approaches to management theory and its relevance to different cultures in the Asian region; identify key strategic issues affecting entry and management of Asian operations; develop a management policy framework to meet the needs of operations in specific Asian nations; be able to deal with management issues in an Asian environment.

Synopsis Topics covered include Australian images of Australia and Asian images of Asia; developing strategies for entry and management of Asian operations; developing a policy framework that covers management issues including motivation; communication; leadership; dealing with ethical and social issues; labour and employee relations issues; expatriate and local human resource issues.

Assessment One two-hour examination: 40% -One individual paper (1500-2000 words): 30% -One group assignment (4000 words): 30%

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