
Introduction to management: people and organisations (non-Arts subject)

Professor Bernard Barry and Ms Rowena Barrett

6 points - Two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week - First, second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: Nil - It is recommended that students complete MGC1020 (Introduction to management: managing organisations) prior to undertaking MGC1030

Objectives On completion of this subject students should Have an understanding of the organisational and environmental contexts within which people are managed; the management of people as individuals and in groups in different types of organisations; the influence of external institutions on the management of people; the practice of human resource management; the importance of leadership, communication and decision-making in the management of individuals and teams; contemporary management issues including organisational change.

Synopsis This subject provides an introductory overview of issues related to the management of people in organisations. The systems and institutions within which organisation operates are discussed, as are human resource management practices and the external institutional influences on managing people. Finally consideration is given to a number of contemporary management issues including the principles and practices by which organisational change is introduced and managed.

Assessment Written assignments (1000 and 2000 words): 10% and 20% - Tutorial participation 10% - Examination (2 hours): 60%

Prescribed texts

Robbins S, Bergman R and Stagg I Management 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997

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