
Tourism - principles and practice

Dr Ian D Clark

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Berwick

Objectives The primary objective of this subject is to introduce students to the concept of tourism as a system comprising a number of interdependent elements which will be examined in detail in subsequent subjects. It aims also to develop understanding of the nature and scope of tourism, to cultivate appropriate attitudes with respect to the environment, and to stimulate critical thinking by examining tourism-related issues with which communities may be faced.

Synopsis Historical evolution; attractions; access; hospitality sector; activities and amenities; tourism organisations; tourist motivation; tourism marketing; economic social and environmental impacts; planning.

Assessment Two assignments (2000 words each): 50% - Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Hall C M Introduction to tourism in Australia 2nd edn, Longman, 1995
McIntosh R W and Goeldner C R Tourism: Principles, practices, philosophies 7th edn, Wiley, 1995

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