
Children, society and disabilities

Offered subject to approval

Dr P Graves

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Minimum enrolment: 4 students

Objectives Students are expected to develop knowledge and understanding of the literature on disability from a broad range of perspectives. Students are expected to learn of the experiences and views of people with disabilities, their families and services providers, and gain experience in the critical examination of them.

Synopsis This subject will examine how society reacts to children with disabilities and their families from historical, medical, developmental, educational, eugenic, welfare, sociological, legal, and human rights perspectives. Students will be introduced to literature from these fields, present seminar papers based on the literature, and will have the opportunity to hear the views of people with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, and service-providers to children with disabilities and their families.

Assessment Two seminar papers, each of 2000 words: 40% -One essay, 2000 words: 20% -One essay, 3000 words: 40%

Recommended texts

Available from lecturer on request.

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