
History of childhood

Professor B Caine

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives Students completing this course are expected to develop a critical understanding of the body of theoretical literature on the history of childhood which has emerged in recent years and an understanding of relevant related issues including the family, motherhood, childhood, adolescence, sexuality, masculinity and femininity. They should undertake research proposals which develop research and analytic skills as well as exploring aspects of the social or intellectual history of childhood.

Synopsis This subject will explore the development of the concept of childhood and the writing of the history of childhood from the pioneering work of Philippe Aries through the more recent historical literature.It will examine key texts which lay down ideas about childhood from the enlightenment to the present. It will look at changing definitions of childhood and family as new ideas about mothering, and fathering came to the fore, as childhood became the central concern of psychology and psychoanalysis and as the concept of adolescence as a special space in life emerged.

Assessment Two seminar papers of 2000 words in total: 25% -Research essay of 4500 words: 45% -Individual presentation: 10% -Group presentation: 10% -General seminar performance: 10%

Recommended texts

Available from lecturer on request.

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