
International cultural interaction

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Berwick

Objectives On successful completion of this course it is expected that students will be sensitive to inter-cultural differences in communication patterns and cultural expectations; know what kinds of questions to ask about communication patterns in a culture with which they are not very familiar; be able to analyse what goes wrong in communication breakdown; have encountered examples of inter-cultural communication; be able to relate these issues to concrete situations in tourism.

Synopsis Basic concepts of intercultural communication; face and politeness in language; the relation between cultural values and discourse; cultural variation in speech acts, turn-taking rules and formulaic patterns; cultural differences in the organisation of discourse, including written discourse and meetings; intercultural encounters.

Assessment Assignment (4000 words): 40% - One test (2 hours): 40% - One class paper: 20%

Recommended texts

Clyne M Inter-cultural communication at work CUP, 1996

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