
BA(Languages) - capping unit I - second language acquisition

Uschi Felix

4 points - One 2-hour seminar per fortnight - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: enrolment in BA(Languages)

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to: (1) reflect on the experience of acquiring languages from a comparative perspective. (2) share experiences with students taking other languages/same language/different combinations of languages. (3) gain an understanding of the following issues relating to second language acquisition: the notion of language apprenticeship; the interrelation between teaching methods and outcomes in second language acquisition; utilisation of community resources; in-country experience; silent period and language production; cognitive effects of second language acquisition; and culture conflict.

Synopsis The seminars will investigate issues concerned with second language acquisition and will enable students to reflect on the experience of acquiring languages from a comparative perspective.

Assessment Class participation: 20% - Class paper written up as 3000-word assignment: 80%

Prescribed texts

A reading list will be issued in class.

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