
Languages in contact

Michael Clyne

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should have understood the processes of language change and the complexities of multilingualism and be able to carry out empirical research on language contact in contexts meaningful to them.

Synopsis This subject considers language contact theory and its application in Australia and elsewhere transference and code-switching, bilingualism, language maintenance and shift, language policy, and field work. Students will be able to specialise, in their assignment work, in either Australian or overseas language contact questions.

Assessment Written assignment (3000 words): 40% - Class test (2 hours): 30% - Class exercises: 30%

Prescribed texts

Appel R and Muysken P Bilingualism and language contact Edward Arnold, 1987
Clyne M Community languages: The Australian experience CUP, 1991

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