
Australian Aboriginal literature

Proposed to be offered next in 2000

Coordinator to be advised

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: First-year sequence or with approval of course coordinator.

Objectives As for KRS2050 with the additional objectives of demonstration of wider reading, greater analytical grasp of the topics and a greater acquaintance with the discipline.

Synopsis As for KRS2050.

Assessment Seminar paper (2000 words): 25% - Research assignment (3000 words): 45% - Class test (1 hour): 20% - Attendance and participation: 10% - Third-year students willl be expected to demonstrate more sophisticated analytical skills and submit work which demonstrates that they have read more extensively.

Recommended texts

Davis and Hodge Aboriginal writing today AIAS, 1985
Glass and Weller (eds) Us fellas: An anthology of Aboriginal writing Art Book Publications, 1987
Healy J J Literature and the Aborigine in Australia UQP, 1989
Narogin M Writing from the fringe Hyland House, 1990

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