
Aborigines and the law

John Tuck

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: First-year sequence or with approval of course coordinator.

Objectives As for KRS2040 with the additional objectives of demonstration of wider reading, greater analytical grasp of the topics and a greater acquaintance with the discipline.

Synopsis As for KRS2040.

Assessment As for KRS2040 - Third-year students willl be expected to demonstrate more sophisticated analytical skills and submit work which demonstrates that they have read more extensively.

Recommended texts

Commonwealth of Australia Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody AGPS, 1988
Cunneen C and Libesman T Indigenous people and the law in Australia Butterworths, 1995
McRae, Nettheim and Beacroft (eds) Indigenous legal issues LBC, 1997
National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families HREOC Report, April 1997.

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