
Native title

Not offered in 1999

John Tuck

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: First-year sequence or with approval of course coordinator.

Objectives As for KRS2030 with the additional objectives of demonstration of wider reading, greater analytical grasp of the topics and a greater acquaintance with the discipline.

Synopsis As for KRS2030.

Assessment As for KRS2030. Third-year students willl be expected to demonstrate more sophisticated analytical skills and submit work which demonstrates that they have read more extensively.
Recommended texts

Butt P and Eagleson R Mabo - What the High Court said 2nd edn, Federation Press, 1996
Cunneen C and Libesman T Indigenous people and the law in Australia Butterworths, 1995
McRae H Nettheim G and Beacroft L (eds.) Indigenous legal issues LBC, 1997
Reynolds H Aboriginal sovereignty Allen and Unwin, 1996
Stephenson M Mabo: A judicial revolution UQP, 1993
Stephenson M Mabo: The native title legislation UQP, 1995

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