
Advanced Korean, part 2

Young-a Cho

6 points -4 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives Students in this subject should further develop, based on their first semester work in KOR4410, academic and professional proficiency in a wide range of Korean genre including the following skills and knowledge: (a) in-depth knowledge of Korean grammar; (b) good working knowledge of vocabulary in various genre areas; (c) the ability to read texts from various genre areas; (d) the abilility to speak and write effectively in Korean in the areas of students' own study and interests; (e) in-depth understanding of socio-cultural aspects reflected in various genre areas; (f) the basic analytical and critical skills necessary for research in various Korean studies areas; (g) how-to-learn skills.

Synopsis This subject aims to further improve students' academic and professional proficiency acquired in subject, Advanced Korean, part one.

Assessment Ten short written papers (300 word each): 25% -One written paper (1500 words): 20% -Class participation: 10% -Examination (3 hours of written 25%, speaking 20%): 45%

Options for advanced studies in Korean Options exist for students of advanced Korean to undertake courses in readings in contemporary Korean. The options may be negotiated with the Department of Asian Languages and Studies.

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