
Advanced Korean, part 2

Young-A Cho

8 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: At least a pass in KOR3410 or equivalent

Objectives Students in this subject should have further developed, based on their first semester work in KOR3410, academic and professional proficiency in a wide range of Korean genre including the following skills and knowledge: (a) in-depth knowledge of Korean grammar; (b) good working knowledge of vocabulary in various genre areas; (c) the ability to read texts from various genre areas; (d) the ability to speak and write effectively in Korean in the areas of student's own study and interests; (e) in-depth understanding of socio-cultural aspetcs reflected in variours genre areas; (f) the basic analytical and critical skills necessary for research in various Korean studies areas; (g) how-to-learn skills.

Synopsis This subject aims to further improve students' academic and professional proficiency acquired in subject, Advanced Korean, part 1.

Assessment Ten short written papers (200 words each): 25% - One written paper (1000 words): 20% - Class participation: 10% - examination (3 hours of written 25%, speaking 20%): 45%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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