
Hebrew language and literature III (part B)

Rachel Birati

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: satisfactory completion of Hebrew III (part A) or its equivalent

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should consolidate their advanced literary and language skills acquired in part A, and continue broadening their knowledge and understanding of the Hebrew language and literature and of Jewish cultural trends afforded through the medium of relevant Hebrew texts.

Synopsis This subject is a continuation of Hebrew language and literature III (part A) and provides students with a close study of specially selected literary and non-literary texts, audio-visual material, verbal and written communication and an exposure to important literary criticism.

Assessment Written assignments (4000 words): 43% - Oral examination: 7% - Written examination (2000 words): 50%

Recommended texts

The Gesher Lemishtalmim series of booklets published by the WZO in Jerusalem - the appropriate booklet may be selected as suggested by the teacher
Lahav N (ed.) Likro Sifrut Lebagrut Mishlav, 1991
Avicazar A 25 Behinot Bagrut Belashon, Behavanah Uphitronoteihen Hotzaat Nofer, 1991
Muzafi R and Shahar M Hagesher Lakesher D Reches, 1991
Ratok L and others Leorekh Hashurot Ramot, 1983

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