
Hebrew language and literature III (part A)

Rachel Birati

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: satisfactory completion of Hebrew II (parts A and B) or the equivalent

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students should have developed an appreciation of sophisticated Hebrew literature, a refinement of grammatical and analytical skills and an understanding of Jewish cultural trends afforded through the study of Hebrew literary and non-literary texts.

Synopsis This subject provides a guided study of relevant texts, audio-visual material, verbal and written communication and an exposure to literary criticism.

Assessment Written assignments (4000 words): 43% - Oral examination: 7% - Written examination (2000 words): 50%

Recommended texts

The Gesher Lemishtalmim series of booklets published by WZO in Jerusalem - the appropriate booklet may be selected as suggested by the teacher
Avicazar A 25 Behinot Bagrut Belashon, Behavanah Uphitronoteihen Hotzaat Nofer, 1991
Haran R (ed.) Sifron Lastudent Akadmon, 1980

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