
Modern Hebrew language and literature I, part A

Rachel Birati

6 points - 4 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisite for admission into this course is a pass in VCE Hebrew or its equivalent.

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students should have developled a knowledge of modern Hebrew language and literature in order to bring within their grasp its literary and colloquial forms. Students should enhance their verbal and written skills and gain an insight into the Jewish cultural background and heritage.

Synopsis This subject provides a guided study of literary and non-literary texts, audio-visual material, oral and written exercises and an exposure to varied literary criticism.

Assessment Written assignments (2500 words): 43% - Oral examination: 7% - Written examination (2000 words): 50%

Recommended texts

The Gesher Lemishtalmim series of booklets published by the WZO in Jerusalem (The appropriate booklet may be suggested by the teacher.)
Band O Reader: Modern Hebrew prose and poetry Behrman House, 1990
Livny Y and Kokhba M A Hebrew grammar for schools and colleges Rubin Mass, 1983

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