
Japanese culture

Alison Tokita

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: First-year Japanese language or Japanese studies sequence or combination

Objectives After completing this subject, students are expected to acquire a grasp of traditional and contemporary manifestations of Japanese cultural and artistic forms; and acquire a knowledge of the relation of the arts to Japanese society in various periods.

Synopsis This subject treats Japanese culture in the sense of the arts: verbal, visual and performing. It offers a broad perspective of Japanese cultural and artistic forms, allowing students to focus on areas of individual interest.

Assessment Essay (2000 words): 40% - Tutorial presentation (1500 words): 25% - Tutorial participation (500 words): 10% - Examination (2 hours): 25%

Recommended texts

Varley P Japanese culture 3rd edn, U Hawaii P, 1984

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