
Understanding contemporary Japan

David Askew

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: No knowledge of the Japanese language required

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should have gained an understanding of postwar Japan. Students should develop an understanding of how popular images or stereotypes have served to colour the way Japan is viewed in Australia, a knowledge of the major events shaping Japan's postwar history, an understanding of the economy, politics and popular culture of contemporary Japan and an awareness of the key institutions and issues in contemporary Japanese society.

Synopsis This subject is the second of two which provides a necessary introduction to Japan for students who take Japanese language courses or wish to proceed to further Japanese studies subjects. This subject looks at a variety of topics, including Hiroshima and the war trials, the occupation, the economic development of post-war Japan, the legal structure, the socio-economic and political dynamics of postwar Japan and its culture and its relations with the outside world, especially Australia. JPS1090 is based wholly on English language sources.

Assessment Essay (2500 words): 50% - Tutorial presentation and participation: 15% - Examinations (2 hours): 35%

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