
Japanese 2D: part 1

Jun Yano

8 points - 5 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Partial distance - Prerequisites: Level C Japanese or equivalent

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should have developed an understanding of weaknesses and problems in their performance in Japanese and an ability to plan their own study program to overcome these. Students should also develop the skills to conduct public speaking in Japanese; develop skills to gain information from spoken and written sources in Japanese using dictionaries; develop an ability to use a variety of grammar patterns and expressions with greater accuracy; have a thorough knowledge of 1006 kyooiku kanji and their combinations; and be able to recognise a further 200 jooyoo kanji which are essential in understanding newspaper articles (in total 1200).

Synopsis This subject is designed to develop advanced communication skills in written and spoken language through various activities integrating four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Activities are built around topics such as Japanese people's lifestyles, Japanese history, cultural conflicts between Australian and Japanese, and the student's own topic for his/her speech.

Assessment Quizzes and assignments: 25% - Projects: 25% - Examinations: 50%

Prescribed texts

Consult the department.

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