
Japanese C: part 2

Kyoko Ogawa

6 points -5 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Prerequisites: JLG4310 or equivalent

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should have developed skills to gain information from newspaper and magazine articles using dictionaries; express their own opinions and discuss issues regarding contemporary features of Japanese society covered in this semester. They should also have acquired basic communication skills applicable in Japanese business organisations. Students should also be able to recognise most of the kyooiku kanji (approximately 1000 including 250 kanji which are newly introduced in this subject), and have extended their knowledge of fundamental Japanese grammar patterns which are essential for pursuing advanced studies in Japanese language.

Synopsis This subject aims to further develop students' advanced intermediate communicative competence in Japanese, dealing with socio-cultural topics and situations in Japan, such as education, Japanese families, relationship with neighbours, marriage and funerals and so on.

Assessment Mid-semester test (50 minutes): 15% -Final examination (2 hours): 35% -Listening comprehension test: 15% -Speaking test: 10% -Quizzes and three assignments: 25%

Prescribed texts

Ogawa K and others Interacting with the Japanese: A comprehensive communication course: Book 6 Japanese Studies Centre, Monash U

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