
Theory and practice of translation A

Ross Mouer and David Askew

6 points -1.5 hours per week -First semester -Clayton -Prerequisite: Monash post-level D Japanese or equivalent

Objectives Students completing this subject should understand the basic choices which translators face in trying to convey meaning from the source text to a target text which is often for readers whose knowledge, assumptions and values differ from those of the initial readership in the source language. They should have gained confidence in making such choices and have some familiarity with the basic mechanics of rendering Japanese language texts into English. Students should also be aware of some of the ethical issues involved in translating.

Synopsis This subject aims to do three things. First, it will introduce students to some of the theoretical and ethical issues which must be considered when approaching a translation. Second, it will provide students with some practical strategies for getting a translation under way. Third, it will provide students with experience in translating a variety of different types of texts.

Assessment Written assignments (3500 words): 70% -Examination (1 hour): 30%

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