
Japanese sociolinguistics

Proposed to be offered next in 2000

Helen Marriott

8 or 12 points -2 hours per week -Clayton -Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrolment in level B Japanese language

Objectives This subject is designed to develop in students an understanding of different theoretical and empirical approaches to methodologies used in sociolinguistics; an ability to critically read and evaluate research studies on specific topics; and an ability to present written reports according to appropriate academic conventions.

Synopsis An advanced introduction to the discipline of sociolinguistics in its application to the study of Japanese and English usage in contact situations. Special emphasis will be placed on intercultural communication, cross-cultural discourse patterns and speech acts, and Japanese language contact.

Assessment (8 points) Essay (3000 words): 40% -Review (2000 words): 20% -Test (1 hour): 40%
Assessment (12 point) Essay (4500 words): 40% -Review (2500 words): 20% -Test (2 hours): 40%

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