
Modern Italian literature and society IV

A Pagliaro

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: ITA2020, ITA2080, or equivalent knowledge of the language - Prohibitions: may not be taken concurrently with ITA2270

Objectives The subject seeks to equip students with analytical skills transferable to broader contexts and should enable them to discern how methods of interpretation and preference for certain topics can influence the text. As students work progressively through the body of material they should develop an understanding of the nature of realistic representation, the questionable claim of producing objective reality. Students taking this subject at third-year level are expected to read more extensively in secondary literature in Italian and acquire advanced skills which will enable them to analyse critically a literary text: distinguish between the author and narrator, be aware of narrative structures and of the relationship between the reader and the text. Students will be able to demonstrate through a class paper their application of textual analysis and through a major essay they will be able to pursue a personal area of interest derived from the course. A test at the completion of the subject will provide them with opportunity to show to what extent they attained an understanding of key concepts developed in the subject.

Synopsis The subject will analyse the sociohistorical context of unified Italy through the reading of three major Sicilian novels fundamental to the development of the modern novel form. Factors involved in the genesis of these three novels, as well as their position in the broader context of modern Italian narrative will be examined. Attention will be given to the theory behind narrative techniques intended to represent objective reality and the subsequent redirection of focus towards various modern questions of identity, reality and social conventions.

Assessment Written (3000 words): 70% - Examinations (2 hours): 20% - Seminar participation: 10%

Prescribed texts

Verga G I Malavoglia Mondadori, 1991
De Roberto F I Vicerè Garzanti, 1988
Pirandello L Il fu Mattia Pascal Mondadori, 1988

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