
Italian IA

R Lampugnani

6 points - 5 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: VCE Italian or equivalent

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students should achieve further development in the four macro skills with specific emphasis on speaking and writing; informed knowledge about contemporary Italian society in its constant change. The teaching and communication medium is Italian.

Synopsis The subject will consist of two sections: (i) Language (60%) and (ii) Modern Italian in context (40%). (i) Language: advanced practical language acquisition and consolidation and extension of grammatical knowledge through a systematic revision of grammatical structures. (ii) Modern Italian in context: this component of the subject aims at providing an introduction to contemporary Italian studies through an overview of recent history and the analysis of representative audio, video and written texts.

Assessment (i) Language (Continuous assessment: 30% - Examination: 30%): 60%; (ii) Modern Italian in context (Tutorial work participation: 7% - Minor assignment: 8% - 1500-word essay: 15% - Final test: 10%): 40%

Prescribed texts

Material will be made available by the separtment
Modern Italian in context Italian Section, Monash U, 1999
Other text to be advised

Recommended texts

Lazzarino G Da Capo: A review grammar 4th edn, Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1996
Zingarelli Lo Zingarelli 1996 - Vocabolario della lingua italiana Zanichelli, 1996
Ginsborg P A history of contemporary Italy: Society and politics 1943-1988 Penguin, 1989

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