
Beginning Indonesian, part 1

S Robson

6 points -5 hours per week -First semester -Clayton and Peninsula -Prerequisites: No previous knowledge of Indonesian is assumed

Objectives On successful completion of this unit students should be familiar with the basic structures of Indonesian,have at their command a vocabulary of 500-700 words, andbe able to pronounce Indonesian correctly. They should also be able to construct simple sentences in Indonesian and hold a simple conversation about everyday topics. They should also have developed an understanding of aspects of Indonesian society and culture of special relevance to Indonesian language use.

Synopsis One of two weekly lectures is devoted to a discussion of Indonesian morphology and syntax point by point. The class is divided into smaller groups for vocabulary building, pronunciation practice and conversation under the guidance of a native speaker. The second of the lecture discusses the Malay language and its development as Indonesian, the national language of Indonesia.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 35% -Assignments, tests and oral tests: 65%

Prescribed texts

Echols J M and Shadily H Kamus Indonesia-Inggris: An Indonesian-English dictionary 3rd edn, Gramedia
Koesasi B and Robson S Exploring Indonesian I Monash U

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