
Beginning Javanese, part 1

Stuart Robson

4 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: INM1220 or INM2220

Objectives Students successfully completing this unit should have developed familiarity with Javanese grammatical structures, built up a store of vocabulary, and gained insights into the socio-cultural dimensions of language-use in Java. They should also be able to converse in Javanese at an elementary level.

Synopsis An introduction to spoken Javanese is given in the form of an analysis of conversational material. Attention is given to both grammar and the cultural aspects of the language. In view of the close relation between language and society, subjects such as social organisation, the kinship system, status and power may be discussed. Vocabulary building and pronunciation practice occur in tutorials with the assistance of a native speaker.

Assessment Examinations (2 hours): 60% - Oral and tests: 40%

Prescribed texts

Keeler W Javanese, a cultural approach Ohio U P, 3rd printing, 1992

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