
Hidden transcripts: cultural approaches to the past

Proposed to be offered next in 2001

Jane Drakard

8 or 12 points -2 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives As for HYM4950, with the additional objectives that students develop greater familiarity with debates about the relationships between textual interpretation and the writing of history, and undertake a wider range of reading about the role of 'ethnohistory' within the broader field of historical scholarship.

Synopsis As for HYM4950. Students taking this subject at fifth-year level will be expected to demonstrate a wider range of reading in relevant secondary texts and a more sophisticated application of key theoretical concepts.

Assessment (8 points) Essay (5000 words): 70% -Examination (2 hours): 30%
Assessment (12 points) Essay (5000 words): 60% -Additional essay (2000 words): 20% -Examination (2 hours): 20%

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