
Biography and history

Not offered in 1999

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives As for HYM4900, with the additional objective that students should gain a more sophisticated understanding of recent theoretical and critical accounts of life course writing, including the relationships between memory, history and biography and between biography, autobiography and fiction.

Synopsis As for HYM4900. In their major essay and historiographical essays, students taking the subject at fifth-year level are expected to demonstrate more developed critical reading skills and a more sophisticated application of key theoretical concepts.

Assessment (8 points) Major essay (4000 words): 65% -Writing exercises (2000 words): 35%
Assessment (12 points) Major essay (4000 words): 45% -Historiographical essay assignment (3000 words): 35% -Writing exercises (2000 words): 20%

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