
Freud, sexuality and history

Offered subject to approval

Esther Faye

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives As for HYM4150, with the additional objective that students completing the subject at fifth-year level should develop a more sophisticated and critical understanding of the links between psychoanalytical debates and theories and their own fields of research and a more critical appreciation of the possibilities of psychoanalytical perspectives in developing new kinds of historical questions and narratives.

Synopsis As for HYM4150. In their written work, students taking the subject at fifth-year level are expected to display greater self-reflection and awareness in their assessments of key theoretical debates.

Assessment (8 points) Research essay (4000 words): 70% -Take-home examination (2 hours): 30%
Assessment (12 points) Research essay (4000 words): 40% -Historiographical essay (3000 words): 30% -Take-home examination (2 hours): 30%

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