
Reading landscapes

Brigid Hains

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives As for HYM4130, with the additional objectives that students successfully completing this subject at fifth-year level should develop a more critical understanding of the links between natural and cultural landscapes and a more thorough comparative framework in their analysis of specific models of environmental history.

Synopsis As for HYM4130. In their written work, students taking the subject at fifth-year level are expected to demonstrate a more independent and critical approach to landscape assessment.

Assessment (8 points) Seminar paper (1000 words): 20% -Fieldwork exercise (2000 words): 30% -Essay (3000 words): 50%
Assessment (12 points) Seminar paper (1000 words): 10% -Fieldwork exercise (3000 words): 30% -Essay (5000 words): 60%

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