
Public history research project

Brigid Hains

12 points -One 2-hour seminar each week for four weeks (held in the evening) -Supervised research -Second semester -City location -Prohibitions: Only available in the MA in public history

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject will be expected to demonstrate an ability to devise and carry out a commissioned research project, and to develop an understanding of the practical, methodological and ethical issues relating to such work. Students will be expected to further develop their conceptual and communication skills, to read widely and independently and to demonstrate resourcefulness in their archival research.

Synopsis This subject provides students with an opportunity to undertake a sustained research project in public history, encompassing approaches to cultural heritage, oral history, community history, museums and history in the media. For most students this will take the form of a commissioned historical project, although students may also pursue a topic of methodological or theoretical interest in public history. A short series of seminars will introduce students to approaches to public history research, and students will be assisted in the negotiation of a suitable topic with a commissioning agency.

Assessment Research brief (1000 words): 10% -Research project (8000 words): 90%

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