
Contours of racial thought

Andrew Markus

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should have developed an understanding of the development of thinking about 'race' in western culture from the fifteenth century to the present, and of different theoretical approaches, including the postmodern, to the study of the 'race concept'.

Synopsis An examination of the development of racial thought in Western societies. Topics include classical views of human types; early reactions to the populations of the New World; justifications for slavery; the impact of enlightenment thought; the rise of scientific racism; anti-Semitism and Nazi ideologues; 'new racism' and 'culturalism' in contemporary thought.

Assessment (8 points) Research essay (4000 words): 70% -Open book exam (2 hours): 30%
Assessment (12 points) Essay (3000 words): 25% -Research essay (4000 words): 50% -Open book exam (2 hours): 25%

Prescribed texts

Malik K The meaning of race Macmillan, 1996

Recommended texts

Banton M The idea of race Tavistock, 1977
Banton M Racial theories CUP, 1987
Harris M The rise of anthropological theory Crowell, 1968
Markus A, Sinclair K and Tisdale J Interrogating race Monash University, 1996

Poliakov L The Aryan myth Chatto and Windus, 1974

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