
The Australian city: contemporary problems in historical perspective

Proposed to be offered next in 2000

Graeme Davison

8 points - One lecture and one 1.5-hour seminar per week plus three 2-hour field excursions - First semester - Clayton

Objectives As for HSY2850 with the additional objectives that students should gain a more advanced understanding of the relationships between past and current debates about the future of Australian cities and the comparative analysis of Australian urban development, and should enhance their capacity for independent research.

Synopsis As for HSY2850.

Assessment Document exercise (500 words): 15% - Fieldwork report (500 words): 15% - Research essay (4000 words): 50% - Examination (1 hour): 20% - Third-year students will be expected to demonstrate more sophisticated analytical skills and submit work incorporating a higher level of competence in independent reading and research.

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