
Modern Israel: vision and reality

Claudia Prestel

8 points - One lecture and one 2-hour seminar per week - Second semester - Clayton - Students wishing to take this subject without having taken a first-year history sequence may do so by enrolling under JWC or RLT subject codes (see entries under Jewish civilisation or Religion and theology) or with permission from the head of the History department.

Objectives As for HSY2570 with the additional objectives that students should acquire a more critical conceptual understanding of the nature of national identity in history and develop more advanced skills in the analysis of visual as well as documentary sources.

Synopsis As for HSY2570.

Assessment One short paper (1000 words): 15% - Research essay (3000 words): 40% - Take-home examination (2000 words): 40% - Participation: 5% At third year students are expected to formulate their own research topic, base their research essay substantially on primary sources, and demonstrate awareness of the ongoing debates about the philosophy and practice of history.

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