
Australian Aboriginal history

Bain Attwood and Andrew Markus

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Requisites/corequisites: Any first-year sequence in history or Koorie studies - Prohibitions: 1994 - HSY2760/HSY3760; 1993 - HSY2760/HSY3760 and HSY2750/HSY3750 (Caulfield); 1992 - HSY2760/HSY3760; 1990-1991 - HSY2750/ 3750.

Objectives As for HSY2260 with the additional objective that students should acquire a more sophisticated understanding of the nature of 'indigenous' history and develop skills in the use of documentary sources for analysing relations between indigenous people and Europeans since 1770.

Synopsis As for HSY2260.

Assessment Reflective essay (1500 words) and research essay (2500 words): 60% - Examination (2 hours): 30% - Tutorial participation: 10% - Third-year students will be expected to demonstrate more sophisticated analytical skills and submit work incorporating a higher level of competence in independent reading and research.

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