
Cultural landscapes in Paris, from the Enlightenment to the Second Empire

Proposed to be offered next in 2001

David Garrioch

8 points - Intensive lectures, tutorials and field trips for 35 hours per week over one month (late November/December 2001) - Paris - Prohibited combination: FRN3890/FRN4900 and HSY3830

Objectives As for HSY2250 with the additional objective that students should show a more developed critical understanding of the key organising concepts in the development of Paris between the mid eighteenth and mid nineteenth century and should have an understanding of general theories of urban change.

Synopsis As for HSY2250.

Assessment Field report (1500 words): 30% - Research essay (3500 words): 40% - Examination (1 hour): 30% - Note that the field report is to be submitted in Paris; the remaining work by the end of week eight of first semester in the following year.

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