
The Vietnam war

Jane Drakard

8 points - Three hours per week - Second semester - Clayton and Caulfield

Objectives Students completing this subject at second year should have developed a knowledge of the historical development of the Vietnam war, an understanding of the broader ideological, political and cultural context in which the war took place and an appreciation of the impact of the war in Vietnam, Cambodia, the USA and Australia.

Synopsis The Vietnam War was one of the major events in twentieth century history which had a profound impact both in Asia and the west. This subject will trace the origins of the war in resistance to French colonialism after 1945 and examine deepening US involvement analysing the motivations of the main participants. The subject will focus not just on the military phases of the war, but also on its cultural and ideological ramifications in Vietnam, the USA and Australia. Lectures and video presentations will be used to provide a general framework with tutorials focussing on more specific issues such as contrasting styles of warfare, cold war ideology, the role of the media, anti-war protest, POW and veterans issues and approaches to commemoration and remembrance in Vietnam, the USA and Australia. The wider ramifications of the war in Southeast Asia, especially in Cambodia, will also be studied. Music, film and literature will be used as teaching aids and several important archives are available for use in essays.

Assessment Historiographical essay (1000 words): 20% - Document exercise (1000 words): 20% - Research essay (3000 words): 40% - Examination (1 hour): 20% - Option of an additional essay of 1000 words in place of examination.

Recommended texts

Herring G America's longest war Wiley
Gettleman M E Vietnam and America Grove Press
Young M B The Vietnam wars 1945-1990 Harper Collins

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The Vietnam war

Dr Jane Drakard

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Berwick

Objectives Students competing this subject at second year should have developed a knowledge of the historical development of the Vietnam war, an understanding of the broader ideological, political and cultural context in which the war took place and an appreciation of th impact of the war in Vietnam, Cambodia, the USA and Australia.

Synopsis The Vietnam War was one of the major events in twentieth century history which had a profound impact both in Asia and the west. This subject will trace the origins of the war in resistance to French colonialism after 1945 and examine deepening US involvement analysing the motivations of the main participants. The subject will focus not just on the military phases of the war, but also on its cultural and ideological ramifications in Vietnam, the USA and Australia. Lectures and video presentations will be used to provide a general framework with tutorials focussing on more specific issues such as contrasting styles of warfare, cold war ideology, the role of the media, anti-war protest, POW and veterans issues and approaches to commemoration and remembrance in Vietnam, the USA and Australia. The wider ramifications of the war in Southeast Asia, especially in Cambodia, will also be studied. Music, film and literature will be used as teaching aids and several important archives are available for use in essays.

Assessment Historiographical essay (1000 words): 20% - Document exercise (1000 words): 20% - Research essay (3000 words): 40% - Examination (1 hour): 20% - Option of an additional essay of 1000 words in place of examination.

Recommended texts

Herring G America's longest war Wiley
Gettleman ME Veitnam and America Grove Press
young MB The Vietnam wars 1945-1990 Harper Collins

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