
Environmental policy and action

Dr Peter Cock and Dr Sharron Pfueller

12 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Prerequisites: none

Objectives As for ENV404C with the additional objective that candidates will be expected to show a greater sophistication in their understanding of theoretical concepts related to the discipline.

Synopsis As for ENV404C.

Assessment (12 points) Three papers (1000 words): 25% -Team position paper (2500 words): 20% -Team tactical adivsory paper (1500 words): 15% -Essay (2000 words): 30% -Class contribution: 10%

Recommended texts

Anon Protecting the environment: A conservation strategy for Victoria Victorian Government Printer, 1987
Birrell R and others (eds) Quarry Australia? Social and environmental perspective on managing the nation's resources OUP, 1982
O'Riordan T Environmentalism Pion, 1976
State Conservation Strategy Task Force Conservation in Victoria Ministry for Conservation, 1983

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