
Advanced German language 2, part 1

H Kreutz

4 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: GRN3325 - Prohibitions: GRN4515 or GRN4615

Objectives This subject and GRN4425 constitute the fourth-year language courses for students in the introductory stream. On successful completion of this subject students should have consolidated and extended their competence in German. Students should have acquired an extended range of vocabulary in the topic areas studied, consolidated and improved their knowledge of grammatical aspects studied, increased their ability to apply this vocabulary and grammatical knowledge in discussion of, reporting on and writing in various modes about the topic areas studied.

Synopsis This subject consists of a variety of learning activities associated with a variety of discourse forms dealing with a range of topics including Germany after unification, commitment, the future (wishes, dreams, happiness). Assessment of students' level of achievement is done via short tests, some focusing on individual skills, eg speaking, some testing competence in a more integrated way, eg aural and reading comprehension leading to writing. through contact with a variety of texts requiring a variety of productive responses.

Assessment Written (2000 words): 40% - Examinations (2 hours): 60%

Prescribed texts

Vorderwülbecke A and Vorderwülbecke K Stufen 4 Deutsch Klett

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