
Medieval language and literature

Proposed to be offered next in 2001

W Veit

8 points - 3 hours per week - Clayton - Corequisites: A third-year language subject

Objectives After successfully completing the subject students should have read a number of important texts of German literature of the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries in the original; have become familiar with their position and function in medieval German intellectual, religious, political and social life; and have a general understanding and appreciation of the Middle Ages in Europe.

Synopsis Introduction to Middle High German, social and literary history of Germany in the Middle Ages.

Assessment Written (4000 words): 70% - Examination (1 hour): 30%

Prescribed texts

Asher J A A short descriptive grammar of Middle High German OUP
Hartmann von Aue Der arme Heinrich Fischer
Heer F The medieval world Mentor
Walther von der Vogelweide Gedichte ed. P Wapnewski, Fischer
An anthology of further texts will be available from the department

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