
German literature and society in the 20th century

P Thomson

8 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Corequisite: A third-year language subject

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have gained an understanding of German society and its reflection in literary texts from Nazism to the present, and have developed their capacity to analyse and critically evaluate a series of literary, cultural and historical texts.

Synopsis This subject examines German social and cultural history between 1933 and the present through the study of selected texts.
Assessment Written (4500 words): 65% - Examinations (1_ hours): 35%

Prescribed texts

Bernhard T Die Ursache dtv
Brecht B Leben des Galilei Suhrkamp
Grass G Katz und Maus Luchterhand
Hein C Drachenblut Luchterhand
Mann T Tonio Kröger/Mario und der Zauberer Fischer
Weiss P Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats Suhrkamp
Wolf C Kassandra Luchterhand

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