
Advanced language and literature 1, part 2

C Rigby

6 points - 5 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: GRN1315 - Prohibitions: GRN1125, GRN1225, GRN1425, GRN1525, GRN1625 or GRN1040 or GRN1080 (pre-1997 codes)

Objectives This subject builds upon the skills and knowledge gained in GRN1315.

Synopsis The subject has two parts. Part 1: German language (as for GRN1315). Part 2: German literature, culture and society. The main trends in the literature and culture of the German speaking countries in the twentieth century, together with the study of selected literary texts.

Assessment Written (2500 words): 35% - Examinations (3 hours): 65%

Prescribed texts

Braun V Unvollendete Geschichte Suhrkamp
Terrell P and others German-English English-German dictionary Collins
Vorderwülbecke A and K Stufen 3 Klett

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