
Medieval language and literature

Proposed to be offered next in 2001

W Veit

8 points -3 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Corequisite: A four-point advanced language subject

Objectives After successfully completing the course students should have read a number of important texts of German literature of the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries in the original; have become familiar with their position and function in medieval German intellectual, religious, political and social life; and have a general understanding and appreciation of the Middle Ages in Europe.

Synopsis Introduction to Middle High German and the social and literary history of Germany in the Middle Ages.

Assessment Written (4000 words): 70% -Examination (2 hours): 30%

Prescribed texts

Asher J A A short descriptive grammar of Middle High German OUP
Hartmann von Aue Der arme Heinrich Fischer
Heer F The medieval world Mentor
Walther von der Vogelweide Gedichte ed P Wapnewski, Fischer
An anthology of further texts will be available from the department.

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