
German for business and trade

Proposed to be offered next in 2000

Heinz Kreutz

8 points -3 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton -Corequisite: A four-point advanced language subject

Objectives Upon completion of the subject students should have acquired a heightened awareness of different discourse types by analysing oral and written interactions of companies, and should subsequently have acquired related language skills.

Synopsis This subject is aimed at students wishing to acquire German language skills specially suited to the area of business and trade. It introduces students to Fachsprachen (specialist language registers) in German. In the lecture the characteristics (vocabulary, grammar, types of discourse) of specialist language registers are described and analysed via intensive reading of specialised texts. Students will also be taught how to work with specialist dictionaries for German. In the tutorials students will acquire speaking, reading and writing skills relevant to business and trade.

Assessment Written (4000 words): 70% -Examination (2 hours): 30%

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