
Applied geography and field studies

Associate Professor Katherine Gibson and Professor Chris Cocklin

8 points - 3 hours per week on average (2 lectures or 1 lecture plus a 3-hour practical in alternate weeks) - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: A first-year sequence in geography, or permission of the head of department

Objectives The main objective of this subject is to provide students with a grounding in research practice in geography and familiarity with a range of professional and career-oriented skills. Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the nature and characteristics of information; understand the concept of geographical information systems and their uses; carry out questionnaire and interview research; have familiarity with a range of qualitative research methods; carry out a field-based research project; and be familiar with research approaches and methods.

Synopsis An important aspect of a professional education in geography is training and experience in a range of research approaches and methods. This subject is directed at providing students with experience in applied research, an aspect of professional training that is highly valued by prospective employers. Through this subject you will be introduced to the characteristics of information and instruction in the appropriate presentation of information and data. Students will be introduced to the preparation and use of questionnaire surveys, interview and other qualitative research methods. The nature of geographical information systems will be explained and examples of their use in research will be presented. A residential field trip is an important component of the subject. Students are required to develop a research project, which will then be carried out during a four-day field trip. Workshops following the field trip are designed to assist students in compiling and reporting on the findings of their research.

Assessment Research report (4000 words): 45% - Practicals: 30% - Examination (1 hour): 25%

Recommended texts

Clark W and Hosking P Statistical methods for geographers Wiley, 1986
Eyles J and Smith D (eds) Qualitative methods in human geography Polity, 1988
Reinharz S Feminist methods in social reseach OUP, 1992

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