
Contemporary francophone fiction: writing, identity and difference

B Nelson and P Anderson

8 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Students completing this subject should have acquired an insight into the range of contemporary writing in French across national and cultural boundaries, and an understanding of the ways in which the mediation of socio-cultural identity through variations of the French language and forms of French fiction can both inform that identity and shift language and genre boundaries.

Synopsis Students will study a selection of contemporary French writing from France, Canada, North Africa and Switzerland, with particular reference to fictional explorations of socio-cultural identity.

Assessment Essay (2000 words): 30% - Essay (3000 words): 50% - Class paper (1000 words) 20%

Prescribed texts

Benoziglio J-L Cabinet portrait Seuil (Coll Points roman n- 53)
Chraïbi D Une enquête au pays Seuil (Coll Points roman n- 84)
Echenoz J L'Equipée malaise Minuit
Poulin J Volkswagen blues Québec/Amérique
Tournier M Vendredi ou la vie sauvage Folio junior, édition spéciale, 1987

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