
French language IIA

J Burston

4 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: FRN1080 or equivalent

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should have acquired advanced communication skills in spoken and written French, with special emphasis on proficiency in the broad areas of exposition and argument.

Synopsis The program is organised around themes which, presented through audio, video, and print materials, introduce aspects and issues in contemporary French society and form the framework of a variety of student-centred, interactive oral exercises and practical written tasks. Grammar revision is done in the context of the communication activities undertaken. Translation is integrated with the themes and serves as an important means of acquiring more precise control over the syntax and semantics of French.

Assessment 1 Continuing assessment (written compositions and translation exercises 40%; oral work 25%): 65% - 2 Final assessment (aural comprehension test 5%; final examination - 3 hours - 30%): 35%

Prescribed texts

Bescherelle 1 La Conjugaison Hatier
Le Nouveau Petit Robert Société du Nouveau Littré
Recueil de textes (available through the Department)

Recommended texts

Collins-Robert French-English/English-French Dictionary Société du Nouveau Littré
Hawkins R and R Towell French grammar and usage Arnold

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